His Merciful Greetings — 2nd Sunday of Easter—Year C

On the evening of the first Easter Sunday, Jesus appears to the disciples in the locked room where they are hiding and says to them, “Peace be with you.” Then he shows them his hands and his side and says to them again, “Peace be with you.” A week later, when his disciples are together and Thomas is with them, Jesus comes and stands in their midst and says, “Peace be with you.” Three times in this Gospel, our Lord Jesus says, “Peace be with you.”

This greeting of Jesus may seem like a small thing, but it is not. Imagine a Jesus who is a radically different person compared to the actual Jesus we know. This imaginary Jesus appears to his disciples, looks at them, and says, “I condemn you all.” This Jesus castigates the apostles for their desertion. He shows his wounded hands to them as a reproach. “I have these wounds because you abandoned me.” Then this Jesus turns to Peter and says, “You denied me. Now I deny you.” I doubt this unforgiving Jesus would come back to encounter Thomas or the other disciples ever again.

How terrible that would be? But of course, this Jesus is not the real Jesus. (Thanks be to God.) The real Jesus Christ we know says, “Peace be with you.” His words are patient, not angry. His words are loving, not rejecting. His words are merciful, not condemning. His words are from the boundless ocean of divine mercy within him and the mercy of the Lord is eternal. “Peace be with you.” Jesus speaks these words to us today. Let these words of Jesus go deeply within you, and you will always have the peace of Christ.

Al anochecer del primer domingo de Pascua, Jesús se aparece a los discípulos en el cuarto cerrado donde se esconden y les dice: “La paz esté con ustedes”. Luego les muestra sus manos y su costado y les dice otra vez: “La paz esté con ustedes”. Una semana más tarde, cuando sus discípulos están juntos y Tomás está con ellos, Jesús viene y ponte en medio de ellos y dijo: “La paz esté con ustedes.” Tres veces en este Evangelio, el Señor Jesús dice: “La paz esté con ustedes”.

Este saludo de Jesús puede parecer una cosa pequeña, pero no lo es. Imagine un Jesús que es una persona radicalmente diferente en comparación con el real Jesús que conocemos. Este imaginario Jesús se aparece a sus discípulos, los mira y dice: “Condeno todos ustedes.” Este Jesús castiga a los apóstoles por su deserción. Él muestra sus manos heridas a ellos como un reproche. “Tengo estas heridas porque me has abandonado”. Entonces esto Jesús se dirige a Pedro y le dice: “Usted me negó. Ahora yo te negaré”. Dudo que esto Jesús volvería a encontrarse con Tomás y los otros discípulos nunca más.

¡Qué terrible que sería? Pero, por supuesto, este Jesús no es el Jesús real. (Demos gracias a Dios.) El verdadero Jesucristo sabemos dice: “La paz esté con ustedes”. Sus palabras son pacientes, no enojado. Sus palabras son cariñosos, no rechazar. Sus palabras son misericordiosos, no condenar. Sus palabras son del océano infinito de la misericordia divina en su interior, y la misericordia del Señor es eterna. “La paz esté con ustedes”. Jesús dice estas palabras para nosotros hoy. Entonces, permita que estas palabras de Jesús de ir profundamente dentro de usted, y usted siempre tendrá paz de Jesucristo.

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