Archive for the ‘Christian Perfection’ Category

Holy Spirit Unites Us

May 18, 2024

Pentecost Sunday
By Fr. Chinnappan Pelavendran

Pentecost was a game changer. Just look at the behavior of the disciples before and after Pentecost. Before the descent of the Holy Spirit, the early Christians were timid and afraid. After the coming of the Advocate, they were fearless even to death. Before the death of Jesus, He said, “When the Counselor comes, whom I shall send you from the Father, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness to me; and you also bear witness, because you have been with me from the beginning.” (John 15:26-27) After the reception of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, the disciples fearlessly bore witness to Jesus despite the cost.

Pentecost is an ongoing celebration of the gift of God’s Spirit, who is always with us, inseparable from believers. The fire that was ignited in the hearts of the disciples gathered in the upper room in Jerusalem continues to enflame in the hearts of all who have been gathered together here today. The Church is our upper room where we come together in communion of faith and love. The disciples gathered behind closed doors because they were uncertain about the future and were too frightened to publicly proclaim the risen Lord. Without a doubt, we have a lot in common with the first disciples.

Let us look at the Apostles, some of them were fishermen, simple people accustomed to living by the work of their hands, but there were also others, like Matthew, who was an educated tax collector. They were from different backgrounds and different social contexts, and they were from different names like Hebrew and Greek. In terms of character, some were meek and others were strong and excitable. They all had different ideas and emotions. They were all different. Jesus did not change them. He felt their difference and now he unites them by anointing them with the Holy Spirit. The union comes from the anointing at the Pentecost; the Apostles understand the unifying power of the Spirit. They see it with their own eyes when everyone, though speaking in different languages, comes together as one people, the people of God.

Let us focus on ourselves, and what it is that unites us, what is the basis of our unity? We too have our differences, for example, opinions, choices, and sensibilities. What unites us are our beliefs and morality. But there is much more, our principle of unity is the Holy Spirit. He reminds us that first of all, we are God’s beloved children, all the same, in this and all the differences. The Spirit comes to us, in our differences and difficulties, to tell us that we have one Lord Jesus and one Father and that for this reason, we are brothers and sisters.

Like the disciples after Pentecost, it is our job to bear witness to the Gospel. In humility, when we cooperate, the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit will come alive and assist us in carrying out this mission. May God the Holy Spirit inspire every one of you until the day you hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a little, I will set you over much; enter into the joy of your master.” (Matthew 25:21)

Welcoming the Holy Spirit

May 18, 2024

Pentecost Sunday
By Fr. Victor Feltes

On Pentecost, about one hundred and twenty people, including the Blessed Virgin Mary and the apostles were together in the upper room. There on this day, the third Person of the Trinity “appeared to them as tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them,” and “they were all filled with the Holy Spirit.” Yet this was not actually the first time Mary or the apostles had encountered the Spirit.

In response to Mary’s fiat, to her saying “Let it be done to me according to your word” at the Annunciation, the Holy Spirit descended to conceive the Christ Child within her. And we hear in today’s gospel how on Easter Sunday evening Jesus visited the apostles in the upper room, exhaled on them, and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained.” So Mary and the apostles had each received the Holy Spirit before, sort of like us on this Pentecost Sunday.

We received the Holy Spirit at our baptisms, and received him again at our confirmations, and we can always encounter him anew. Since the Holy Spirit is an infinite Divine Person we can always receive more from him. So how can we receive the Spirit and his gifts more abundantly? Here are three ways:

First, ask for the Holy Spirit and his gifts in prayer. Prior to Pentecost, Jesus’ disciples had been praying for nine days—the Church’s first novena. They prayed to receive the promised Gift of the Father of which Jesus had spoken, to be “clothed with power from on high.” The disciples’ Pentecost joy and courage, the manifested miracle of speaking many languages, and that day’s three thousand conversions won were all fruits of the Holy Spirit in answer to their prayers.

A second way to welcome the Holy Spirit is to prepare a place for him. At Jesus’ baptism, the Spirit descended upon him in the likeness of a dove. Offer the Holy Spirit a hospitable place to land with you. If we are combative towards a dove or simply being too noisy, the bird will not approach us or stick around for long. So renounce all hostility towards God and cultivate peace within your house that his peace may rest on you. In other words, renounce your sins and go confession, and focus more on quieting your soul and dedicating time to daily prayer.

A third way to be touched and changed by the Holy Spirit is to expect and watch for his influence. The Holy Spirit descended on Pentecost in the likeness of fire. Fire transforms everything it touches. It causes other objects to radiate heat like itself, to shine like itself, to become fire like itself. If you ask for the Holy Spirit and his gifts and you are open to his influence, watch with eager expectation for him to inspire, empower, and transform you.

Back in my college days, one afternoon I was lying on my bed praying rather apologetically to the Holy Spirit. I said, ‘Holy Spirit, you’re like the most neglected Person of the Trinity. You’re just as much God as the Father or the Son but we direct much more prayer and worship to them than you. And when we do pray to you it’s because we want something, but you’re not just some divine vending machine. I’m sorry.’ Then I heard in my mind these words: “I am gift.” Now whenever you possibly receive a heavenly message, it is wise to check its truth in light of true Catholic teaching, since God will not contradict himself. So I considered that statement seemingly from the Holy Spirit: “I am gift.”

From all eternity, God the Father gives all that he is to his Son and the Son gives himself back as a total gift to the Father. And from this mutual exchange of self-gifting love, the Holy Spirit eternally proceeds. The Father and the Son send the Holy Spirit to earth as a gift to sanctify and transform us so that we may participate in the life of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit rejoices to be gifted. He is gift. And when we ask for his gifts we are inviting his presence—for how could his gifts be manifested someplace where he is not? So from this I concluded the Holy Spirit does not begrudge us asking him for his great and holy gifts.

On this Pentecost Sunday, what gifts do you desire of the Holy Spirit? Pray for his powerful presence, like Mary and the apostles did. Turn away from sin and cultivate quiet peace, offering a welcoming place for the Holy Spirit to land. And watch with eager expectation for the transforming effects of the Spirit’s fiery influence.

The Fruitful Trials of St. Paul

April 28, 2024

Fifth Sunday of Easter
By Fr. Victor Feltes

Imagine if Osama bin Laden, after masterminding terrorist attacks, had repented and begun proclaiming Jesus Christ and the Gospel? Christians might understandably still be afraid of him and wary of his claimed Christian conversion. In the first century, prior to his famous conversion, St. Paul had intensely persecuted God’s Church and tried to destroy it. At the stoning of St. Stephen the Martyr he had guarded the cloaks of the murderers. Before encountering Christ on the way to Damascus, he was “breathing out murderous threats against the Lord’s disciples.” He had sought and obtained letters from the high priest empowering him to arrest any Christians he found in that city and take them back to Jerusalem as prisoners. So after his conversion, when “he arrived in Jerusalem, he tried to join the disciples, [but] they were all afraid of him, not believing that he was a disciple.”

Yet it was all real and true. The amazing conversion of St. Paul, that fierce enemy of the early Church, is an authentic miracle in real history which has borne true fruit in Christ. St. Paul founded and fostered early Christian communities, wrote more books of the Bible than any other man, and had a hand in saving many souls. He also discovered good fruits for himself, including Christian peace and joy. St. Paul told the Philippians he had exchanged everything from before as if it were mere rubbish for “the supreme good of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” Such are fruits of a life in Christ.

Jesus tells his disciples in today’s gospel, “I am the vine, you are the branches.” He says, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine grower. He takes away every branch in me that does not bear fruit, and every one that does he prunes so that it bears more fruit…” Notice how Jesus says God prunes those who are in him. Pruning clips off of a vine branch certain shoots or leaves in order to help the branch to be healthy and grow and produce more and better fruit. If vine branches were conscious, self-aware like us, how would this pruning feel? Painful, I imagine. Even if a branch loved producing fruit and wished to produce much more, how would a vine branch feel about such pruning if it did not understand this pruning’s purpose? There is a danger for a Christian who expects only comforts in this life and is surprised by the coming of any trials.

Consider the life of St. Paul. He suffered and endured many trials. Five times he received thirty-nine lashes from Jewish foes, three times he was beaten with rods, one time he was stoned, three times he survived shipwrecks, and ultimately he was beheaded by the Romans. St. Paul was not always liked, even by fellow Christians. It appears some Christians at Corinth said things like, “His letters are severe and forceful, but his bodily presence is weak and his speech is contemptible.” St. Paul’s letters reflect that the first Christian communities were far from perfect and they gave him many stressful problems to deal with. He writes of having beautiful mystical experiences but also of a “thorn” in his flesh and physical illness. St. Paul’s life was not always comfortable. However, he wrote to the Philippians, “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

When St. Paul, now amongst the saints and angels in heaven, looks back on all his troubles and beholds all their good fruits, does he believe that it was worth it? Of course he does. And he cheers us on alongside that “great cloud of witnesses,” prayerfully interceding for us to “persevere in running the race that lies before us while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus.” In both good times and in bad, Jesus counsels us to remain in him. “Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit… By this is my Father glorified…” And in this will be our glory too.

Abide in Me & I in You

April 28, 2024

5th Sunday of Easter
By Fr. Chinnappan Pelavendran

Today we are invited to remain in Christ as branches on a vine. We do this by recognizing that God is at work in everyone and by striving to keep His commands and to do what is pleasing to God. The Christian life sounds easy and yet is a challenge for us all.

In the First Reading of today, we heard how Paul and the disciples of Jesus were trying to bear much fruit. When Paul arrived in Jerusalem and tried to join the disciples, the disciples avoided him with great fear. They knew that he had a reputation for persecuting the Christians. They were unable to believe that Paul was now one of them. Barnabas came forward and took Paul to the apostles. On behalf of Paul, he explained to the apostles how Jesus had spoken to Paul on the way to Damascus. Now Barnabas testified his spiritual joy by sharing with the others the Divine intervention of Jesus in the life of Paul. We all know what a difference Paul made to the Church. Jesus pruned St. Paul, and he bore many fruits.

In today’s gospel, Jesus uses the familiar image of the vine and the branches to teach us lessons about our Christian life. First, the image reminds us that God is the real owner of everything that we have. He is the vine grower. He does to us what is good and right. We belong fully to God. We should not allow our selfishness and pride to make us think that we have absolute control over our lives. Rather, we always have to be open to God’s action, confident that he knows fully what is good for us.

He is the vine and we are the branches. A branch cut off from the vine will wither and die. So it is with our life as disciples. We live fully and become fruitful only by remaining in Christ. In the gospel of John, the word “abide” appears several times: “Abiding in God,” “abiding in Christ,” and “abiding in his Word.” We need to abide in Christ because apart from him, we can do nothing.

The image tells us that to stay healthy and fruitful we need pruning. Vine growers know that the act of pruning is good for the branch. If the branch is not pruned for a long time, it becomes wild and produces no good grapes. Sometimes in our lives, God intervenes with the cross to challenge us and make us grow. To take away our pride, sometimes God allows us to fail to make us grow stronger in faith.

We are called to remain in Jesus, to be in communion with him. We are also to be pruned; what is useless in our lives is to be cut off. Our pruning is our self-denial and purification. We have to be open to pruning so that we can be healthy and fruitful for the Lord.

Like Paul, we believe in the name of Jesus Christ, God lives in us, and we live in him. We become branches of the true vine, Jesus Christ. Then with the psalmist, we can confidently sing: “You, Lord, I praise in the great assembly.” Alleluia!

Fruits of Faithfulness — Funeral Homily for Beatrice “Bea” Seibel, 91

April 15, 2024

By Fr. Victor Feltes

Jesus begins his Sermon on the Mount by describing to his followers what makes a person truly happy or blessed. What do the blessings promised to those who follow Jesus look like? They are promised the Kingdom of heaven, the reign of God. When we allow the Lord to be our King we can be comforted with peace this world cannot give. Our hunger and thirst can be satisfied, because Jesus gives us our daily bread of meaning and hope. We can be shown mercy, mercy we all need because of our many sins, the divine mercy which is our doorway to go forth and sin no more. We see God whenever we open our eyes to Jesus. In Christ, we become children of God the Father. And when your Father is the king, you receive every good gift upon his earth with gratitude, and you will inherit everything he has as yours in the life to come. When yours is the Kingdom of heaven, you experience life in this imperfect world differently – with an assurance of goodness’s future victory and of goodness’s great reward hereafter. These fruits do not grow naturally, they come from faith in Christ.

Bea and her husband Robert had nine children; six girls, two boys, and one child they lost. Remarkably, her children have nothing negative to say about her (apart from a less than stellar singing voice). They did not grow up wealthy on their farm, they almost never vacationed and for awhile they had an outhouse and showered in the milk house, but they never felt deprived. Now her children look back and ask each other, “Can you imagine having just one brother or one sister?” “No,” they agree, “[That would be] boring!” Beatrice has been close to all her grandchildren and they respect her. They see how Bea loves and how her family loves her, causing one granddaughter to say, “After seeing all this, I want five kids.” It has been asked about Bea, “How can one little lady bring so much warmth?” The answer is the same as how St. Peter proclaims Christ after the Resurrection: “He went about doing good… for God was with him.”

Her children describe Bea as faith-driven. Our Catholic Faith formed her and sustained her. They saw her pray at her bedside, begin mornings with her prayer book, and pray before every meal. She led them to Mass every weekend, helped them receive Christ’s sacraments, and formed them all through St. Paul’s Catholic school. She never skipped encountering Christ at Holy Mass, and would watch on TV when she could not attend. She loved lighting vigil candles at church in response to the joys and trials of others. When she could not light these visible expressions of prayer herself she would ask that candles to be lit at church ‘for this, and this, and this.’ Near the end, she would say, “Light a candle for me.” When I visited to give Bea the Last Rites in her final days, she was no longer speaking much, but she knew what was happening and felt consoled by the sacrament and her loved ones, and we heard her join in the Litany of the Saints being invoked for her. A beautiful Christian life culminating in a beautiful death with hope in the life to come. I encourage you to pray for her, but more importantly, I urge you to emulate these Bea attitudes. Beautiful fruits like hers do not grow everywhere, they come from a living faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Encountering Our Risen Lord

March 31, 2024

Easter Sunday
Fr. Victor Feltes

This gospel reading is a curious one to proclaim on Easter Sunday. It’s the one we read on Easter Sunday morning every year: John’s story of Mary Magdalene, Peter, and the Beloved Disciple at the empty tomb. Other gospel reports about Jesus’ resurrection have miracles and appearances of angels or of Christ himself. St. John’s Gospel recounts examples of these on Easter as well; for instance, after where our reading ends, Mary is greeted by Jesus and angels at the tomb, and Peter sees and touches the Risen Lord in the Upper Room. This morning’s gospel reading, however, does not find Jesus and sees no angels or miracles in progress. Mary Magdalene discovers Jesus’ body is missing and runs away distressed. She finds Peter and the Beloved Disciple (traditionally, the Apostle John) and the men run back to the tomb. Both of them go inside but only find burial cloths. They had not yet understood Jesus’ previous remarks nor the Old Testament passages which foretold “that [Christ] had to rise from the dead.” But, when the other disciple went inside the tomb after Peter, “he saw and believed.”

So what convinced him? Was it something about those burial cloths? Was it because the cloth which had covered Jesus’ head was “not with the burial cloths but rolled up in a separate place” with a tender delicacy which a grave robber would not show? Was it because tomb raiders in the ancient world would typically steal fine burial linens and leave the body behind? Was it because a body-snatcher would not peel the dry-blood-caked shroud away from the body to carry away a naked corpse? Perhaps the cloths looked deflated, as though Jesus’ body had vanished or passed through without disturbing them. Or maybe a miraculous image of Jesus’ body had been left behind upon the shroud. Whatever it was, the Beloved Disciple reasoned from what he saw to firm conviction. Was Peter convinced by seeing the same scene? Maybe not. Mary Magdalene was not consoled by her first glances at the tomb. It was later encounters, typically together with other friends of Jesus, which led Christ’s disciples to faith in him as the risen Lord.

Many people come to church on Easter Sunday morning. And this is a good thing. Our Lord is pleased that you are here. On the first Easter Sunday evening, when Jesus Christ appeared in the Upper Room even though he had died for their sins, even though they had previously deserted him, he said to all those gathered: “Peace be with you… Peace be with you.” Many people come to church on Easter Sunday morning. But typically, on the following Sunday, a fewer number attend. Jesus may touch your heart this morning, he may give new insight to your mind, you may “see and believe” in a new way. Or maybe you will encounter Jesus’ empty Easter tomb this morning and walk away unchanged. Remember that it was later encounters, typically together with other friends of Jesus, which led disciples to faith in him as the risen Lord.

Jesus desires a personal relationship with each one of us; a relationship which will bless, console, strengthen, and guide us. A life of daily prayer, weekly worship, and true devotion. Praying to God only when I need something is like talking to a friend only when I want something. If you have been away from Christ, he calling you to return, to draw nearer, so your personal relationship and conviction may deepen. Realize that if Jesus Christ had not been risen, nothing else in life would matter. But since Jesus Christ has been risen, nothing else in life matters as much as this.

“Where I Am, There Also Will My Servant Be”

March 17, 2024

5th Sunday of Lent
By Fr. Victor Feltes

Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there also will my servant be. The Father will honor whoever serves me.” Jesus says, “Where I am, there also will my servant be.” His statement is descriptive, prescriptive, and predictive. He describes what is the case, he prescribes how we should act, and he predicts what will be. His servants can be found where Jesus has been before. They should serve him where Jesus is now on earth. And one day his servants shall be where Jesus is in heaven.

So where has Jesus been? Next Sunday is Palm Sunday when we will remember the way of his sorrowful Passion; how he mentally agonized in the Garden of Gethsemane, how he faced religious and secular trials, criticism and mockery, how he carried and painfully endured his Cross. Jesus notes, “Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit.” Christ’s glory was made complete through his offering-up of his physical and emotional sufferings; and where he has been, his servant will also be. Jesus says, “No servant is greater than his master,” adding that if people persecuted him, they will persecute us also. St. Peter writes, “Beloved, do not be surprised that a trial by fire is occurring among you, as if something strange were happening to you. But rejoice to the extent that you share in the sufferings of Christ, so that when his glory is revealed you may also rejoice exultantly.” It will not always be an extreme burden, like martyrdom, but each of us has a cross to carry. Jesus says, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”

Jesus Christ has been on Calvary. Where is he present on earth today? He is present in his Church, for he says, “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there among them.” He is present in his Sacraments, most blessedly in the Eucharist, of which he says, “This is my Body” and “This is…my Blood.” He is present in little ones and the least of his brethren, for Jesus says, “Whoever receives one of these little ones in my name receives me,” and declares, “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brethren of mine, you did for me.” Therefore we should not neglect to gather and adore him in his Church, to approach and honor him in his Sacraments, and to love and help him in the small and vulnerable. The servants of Jesus should serve him where he is.

Where else is Christ now, following his Ascension? Jesus declared during his religious trial before the high priest, “From now on the Son of Man shall be seated at the right hand of the power of God.” So St. Paul urges us to “seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.” More than a mere description of Christian life, more than just a call to serve him, Jesus’ words contain a promise of heaven. The Letter to the Hebrews calls Jesus Christ “the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him.” And Jesus says, “Where I am, there also will my servant be. The Father will honor whoever serves me.”

Jesus Christ is present at Calvary, in his Church and in his Sacraments, with the lowly on earth and with the saints in heaven. Remember this, for Jesus says, “Where I am, there also will my servant be.”

The Mother & The Governor

March 3, 2024

By Fr. Victor Feltes

We say their names at every Sunday Mass. We recall them at the start of every Rosary. They are the only two, non-divine persons referred to by name in the Nicene and Apostles’ Creeds. They are the Virgin Mary and Pontius Pilate.

For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures.

Consider how many other figures from salvation history could have been justifiably cited in these creeds; from Adam and Eve to Peter and Paul. Yet only Mary and Pilate are mentioned. Why? At the heart of human history, where on our timeline B.C. becomes A.D., the eternal Son of God became man. Our Savior lives not “Once upon a time.” He is born, suffers, dies, and rises in flesh and blood reality. Mary, the woman who gave him life and Pilate, the man who put him to death, ground Jesus Christ, our Gospel, and our salvation in real human history.

Mary and Pilate are not merely historical figures but also archetypes. They represent two patterns, two types of people we can learn from: Mary, whose good example we should follow, and Pilate, whose bad example we should avoid. Recounting the gospel accounts of the Roman trial during Christ’s Passion, let us compare, contrast, and profit from contemplating Governor Pontius Pilate and the Blessed Virgin Mary. Consider to these reflections for what lessons you can gain.

On Good Friday morning, all the chief priests and the elders of the people took counsel against Jesus to put him to death. They bound him, led him away, and handed him over to Pilate, the governor.

Confronted with Jesus the Christ, all four Gospels record Pilate asking this pivotal question: “Are you the king of the Jews?” Jesus responds affirmatively that it is so. At the Annunciation, after greeting and reassuring Mary, St. Gabriel the Archangel said, “Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give him the throne of David his father, and he will rule over the house of Jacob forever, and of his Kingdom there will be no end.” When the Virgin Mary is confronted with Jesus the Christ, the king of the Jews, she asks a clarifying question too. She said to the angel, “How can this be, since I have no relations with a man?

Pilate and Mary have this in common: they both ask serious questions about Jesus Christ seeking to better understand. It is good for us ask honest questions about Jesus Christ, about God, or about our Catholic Faith. Jesus says, “Whoever asks, receives,” and “whoever seeks, finds.” But when we receive our answer, when we find the truth, how will we respond to the Word? Here we see a difference between Mary and Pilate.

Pilate then addressed the chief priests and the crowds, “I find this man not guilty.” But they were adamant and said, “He is inciting the people with his teaching throughout all Judea, from Galilee where he began even to here.” On hearing this, Pilate asked if the man was a Galilean; and upon learning that he was under Herod’s jurisdiction, he sent him to Herod who was in Jerusalem at that time.

After questioning Jesus, Pilate finds him not guilty of any crime. Realize that Pontius Pilate does not want to kill Jesus; however, the governor would be very glad to be rid of him. Jesus has done nothing worthy of punishment, but Pilate wants to keep those who hate their Roman governor at bay while avoiding making new enemies. He declares Christ not guilty but refuses to set him free. As soon as Pilate sees an opportunity to pawn off Jesus the Nazarene to King Herod across town, he does so. Rather than doing something brave and good, Pilate punts. In contrast, at the Annunciation, when Mary is first presented with Jesus Christ, she does not ask the angel if someone else could be given this task. She does not refuse to do something righteous and courageous. Mary lovingly receives Christ through her “fiat,” saying, “Let it be done to me according to your will.”

King Herod had been eager to meet Jesus and questioned him. Yet the Lord gave him no reply, even as the chief priests and scribes stood by accusing him harshly. Herod does not hold Jesus in prison or behead him as he did with St. John the Baptist. Instead, having grown tired of Jesus, Herod sends Jesus back to Pilate dressed in resplendent garb like a king as a joke. Even though Herod and Pilate had previously been enemies, St. Luke records that the two became friends that day. This shows you that neither ruler saw Jesus as much of a threat. The worldly, like Pilate, will judge by appearances, but the godly, like Mary, can be granted the gift to see deeper realities. When Jesus gets brought back to Pilate’s praetorium doorstep, the governor must deal with this problem anew.

Pilate said to him, “Then you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say I am a king. For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.” And Pilate said to him, “What is truth?” When he had said this, he again went out to the Jews and said to them, “I find no guilt in him.

Our styles and technologies have changed since ancient times, generations and great empires have come and gone, but human nature remains the same. Pilate is a moral relativist, a postmodern man in the ancient world. “What is truth” he scoffs at Jesus, turns his back on Truth Incarnate, and walks away. He thinks that truth cannot be known, except for those “truths” which we choose for ourselves or impose upon others.

Later in the Passion, Pilate provokes Jesus’ enemies with the sign he orders to be posted above Jesus’ head on the Cross. When the chief priests complain to Pilate saying, “Do not write ‘The King of the Jews,’ but that “He said ‘I am the King of the Jews.’” Pilate replies dismissively, “What I have written, I have written.” Pilate does not believe in truth but serves the truth despite himself. The Virgin Mary believes in truth, belongs to the truth, and cooperates with the truth: “Let it be done to me according to your word.” Jesus says everyone who belongs to the truth listens to his voice.

Pilate knows worldly wisdom, he is clever and cunning.
Mary knows God’s wisdom, and she is truly wise.

Pilate seeks the glory of men.
Mary seeks the glory of God.

Pilate, despite all his worldly power, is ruled by fear.
Mary, despite her natural weakness, is freed from fear.

Pilate is the secular Man of the World.
Mary is the devoted Disciple of Christ.

While Governor Pilate was still seated on the judge’s bench, his wife sent him a message, “Have nothing to do with that righteous man. I suffered much in a dream today because of him.”

This is another similarity between Pilate and Mary: both of their spouses experienced prophetic dreams. St. Matthew recounts how Mary’s husband, St. Joseph, had at least four inspired dreams. One dream reassured him to take Mary into his home, one told him to flee with his family into Egypt, another later told him to return them to the land of Israel, and one more dream which led him to resettle them in Nazareth. Matthew likewise records the dream of Pontius Pilate’s wife, and her urging her husband to “have nothing to do with that righteous man.” Mary listened to her spouse and was blessed. Pilate did not heed his wife and walked into disaster. God gave spouses to each other as helpmates, and the Lord sometimes gives authentic mystical experiences to guide us. Now spouses are not always right and some dreams are just dreams—some fears and some visions are merely imagined. But it is wise not to dismiss out of hand the input of your helpmate or the possibility of mystical experiences from God.

The Jews answered Pilate, “We have a law, and according to that law he ought to die, because he made himself the Son of God.” Now when Pilate heard this statement, he became even more afraid and went back into the praetorium and said to Jesus, “Where are you from?” Jesus did not answer him. So Pilate said to him, “Do you not speak to me? Do you not know that I have power to release you and I have power to crucify you?” Jesus answered him, “You would have no power over me if it had not been given to you from above. For this reason the one who handed me over to you has the greater sin.”

Both Mary and Pilate were entrusted with power over Jesus from above. After Mary and Joseph found the boy Jesus at the temple, “He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was obedient to them.” And Jesus told Pilate, “You would have no power over me if it had not been given to you from above.” When the Son of Man comes in his glory and the sheep are separated from the goats, we will be judged in part on whether we did what good was in our power: “Amen, I say to you, what you did [or did] not do for one of these least ones, you [did or] did not do for me.” Jesus says, “Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more.” Who and what has been entrusted to you? How are you using your power?

The gospels show how Pilate knows that Jesus Christ is innocent, or at least believes he poses no real threat to society, yet Pilate is willing to have this innocent man whipped and even killed when that becomes the most expedient thing to do.

When Pilate saw that he was not succeeding at all, but that a riot was breaking out instead, he took water and washed his hands in the sight of the crowd, saying, “I am innocent of this man’s blood. Look to it yourselves.” … Then he handed him over to be crucified.

Governor Pilate washes his hands, as if he had no hand in Jesus’ death. He washes his hands as a sign to say ‘my hands are clean in this injustice.’ Yet all our sins caused Jesus Christ to die. Though Mother Mary was free from sin and her hands were truly clean, Christ’s sacrifice was for her too. The First Letter of St. John says if you or I say, “‘We are without sin,’ we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we acknowledge our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from every wrongdoing. If we say, ‘We have not sinned,’ we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.” If we go looking for excuses for our sinful behavior, we will always find them. Instead, let us repent of sin and live in the truth.

Pilate had an inscription written and put on the cross. It read, “Jesus the Nazorean, the King of the Jews.” Now many of the Jews read this inscription, because the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city; and it was written in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek.

Sometimes you will see this titulus sign depicted at the top of crucifixes featuring the letters “INRI.” This is an abbreviation for the Latin phrase “Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum,” or “Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews.” It was the Romans’ custom to display upon condemned persons’ crosses the crime for which they were being executed. As I said before, through this inscription, Pilate was antagonizing or trolling the Jewish religious leaders. Pilate does not truly believe that Jesus is a king, the Jewish Messiah or the Christ. Yet he accurately identifies the reason for Jesus Christ’s death: Jesus was killed for being who he was, he was killed for being the Christ. St. John’s Gospel says, “He came to what was his own, but his own people did not accept him. But to those who did accept him he gave power to become children of God, to those who believe in his name.”

On Good Friday, Pilate wrote his sign’s message in three common languages of that day for all the world to see. In the centuries since, when Mary has appeared in various apparitions around the world, she speaks in the native tongue of the visionaries in order for her messages pointing to her Son to be better understood by all. God never directly wills evil. Sins are something which we freely choose. But God writes straight with crooked lines. In the end, all of us, both God’s friends and his enemies, will have been agents of God’s will. Some, like Mary, will cooperate with him willingly. Others, like Pilate, will serve him unwittingly.

Jesus said, “Amen, I say to you that you who have followed me, in the new age, when the Son of Man is seated on his throne of glory, will yourselves sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive a hundred times more, and will inherit eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and the last will be first.

So where are Pilate and Mary now?
The last became first and the first became last.

She who wept, now laughs.
He who laughed, now weeps.

He was Roman governor of Judea.
She is now queen of heaven and earth.

He took root in the desert for self-glory, but was barren and uprooted.
She was planted beside the flowing waters of her Son, and endured, bore fruit, and shares in God’s glory.

When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, “Woman, behold, your son.” Then he said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother.” And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.

Mary and Pilate: the one who gives Christ life and the one who puts him to death, the one who serves the Lord and the one who serves himself, the faithful one and the faithless one. Are we Pilate or are we Mary? At different times, in different ways, we may be like one or the other. During this Lenten season, let us examine and discern who we are. “How and when am I like Pilate? Where and how am I like Mary?” May we reject his bad example and follow her good leading to draw closer to Jesus Christ and share in his rewards and glory.

What Is “The Gospel”?

February 17, 2024

1st Sunday of Lent
By Fr. Victor Feltes

God loves us despite our sins. Sin divides people from God and one another. So to forgive our sins, to heal our divisions, and to make us saints, God the Father sends his Eternal Son. Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Son of Mary, suffers, dies, and rises again to achieve our reconciliation. Through baptism into Christ and his Church we can be saved from sin and death, similar to the story of Noah whose family is saved through the Flood inside of the ark. As God the Holy Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert so he guides his Church, forming saints in Christ’s likeness.

This is an expression of what today we call the gospel. God loves us and wants to deliver us from sin and death and to bless us in his Church through Christ’s saving sacrifice. This is our Faith. This is the Good News both you and I are called to share with others. Who will you invite to receive the gifts of God you have known and enjoyed? If you are open to it, the Holy Spirit will arrange opportunities for you to do so.

Today we hear St. Mark recount how “Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God: ‘This is the time of fulfillment! The Kingdom of God is at hand! Repent, and believe in the gospel!’” This is how Jesus preached at the beginning of his public ministry years before his Passion, Death, and Resurrection. We have an idea of what “the gospel” means now, but what was “the gospel of God” that Jesus called people to believe in before his saving sacrifice had happened?

All of the New Testament writers wrote in Greek. The word our English bibles translate as “gospel” is the Greek word “euangelion” (εὐαγγέλιον). Euangelion is a compound word which combines eu which means “good” and angelia meaning “announcement.” In the ancient Greco-Roman world, the news of a new ruler coming to power or of some major military victory were proclaimed as euangelion. In that cultural setting, Jesus proclaims the great announcement that God’s Kingdom is near.

A divine victory was imminent. Time had come for fulfillment of God’s Old Covenant promises. The will of God would soon be done more fully on earth as it’s done in heaven. Jesus says, “This is the time of fulfillment! The Kingdom of God is at hand! Repent, and believe in the gospel!” Jesus is calling his hearers to believe that things can get better.

Pessimists imagine this world is forever getting worse. But if that were true, if things were always becoming worse and worse what good would there remain for any of us to see now? How could any of us still be left alive? Things can get worse or they can get better. In days past, at the beginning of his public ministry, and now, at the start of this season of Lent, Jesus calls for repentance and faith in the gospel. He calls us to believe that we can become more perfectly like himself; to believe this world around us, as a result of grace and cooperation with Christ, can be more fully God’s Kingdom come.

When he came to his hometown, the people of Nazareth were unwilling to believe in Jesus and what he preached. They refused to believe that Jesus could change their lives and change their world. “So,” St. Mark records, Jesus “was not able to perform any mighty deed there, apart from curing a few sick people by laying his hands on them. He was amazed at their lack of faith.” Peoples’ trust and openness was a factor in how much they could receive from Christ.

What could Jesus do in us and in our world beginning in this Lent? Jesus calls you to “repent and believe in the gospel!

Rites of Miraculous Cleansing

February 11, 2024

6th Sunday of Ordinary Time
By Fr. Victor Feltes

The gospels record how a man with some advanced form of skin disease once came to Jesus in one of Israel’s towns. Seeing Jesus, he approaches and kneels and bows beseeching him, “Lord, if you wish, you can make me clean.” Our Lord, who can read human hearts, probably knows how much this particular miracle will cost him, but he is moved with compassion. Jesus reaches out his hand, touches the leprous man and says, “I do will it. Be made clean.” And the leprosy left him immediately.

One can imagine that man’s joy and excitement. He wants to tell everyone about his miracle! However, Jesus warns him sternly, “See that you tell no one anything.” Apparently, at this point in his public ministry, Jesus does not want to attract too much attention too quickly. Instead, Jesus tells the cured man, “Go, show yourself to the priest and offer for your cleansing what Moses prescribed; that will be proof for them.” What did this offering prescribed in the Mosaic Law look like?

We read in the Old Testament Book of Leviticus: “This is the law for the victim of leprosy at the time of his purification. He shall be brought to the priest, who is to go outside the camp to examine him.” This reference to ‘going outside of the camp’ dates back to the days when the Hebrews were still wandering in the Sinai desert. “If the priest finds that the sore of leprosy has healed in the leper, he shall order the man who is to be purified, to get two live, clean birds, as well as some cedar wood, scarlet yarn, and hyssop.” So this offering involves a curious collection of items: two birds, some cedar, scarlet yarn, and at least a branch of hyssop plant.

Then Leviticus says, “The priest shall then order him to slay one of the birds over an earthen vessel with spring water in it. Taking the living bird with the cedar wood, the scarlet yarn and the hyssop, the priest shall dip them all in the blood of the bird that was slain over the spring water, and then sprinkle seven times the man to be purified from his leprosy. When he has thus purified him, he shall let the living bird fly away over the countryside.”

Jesus told the man he cured to perform to this peculiar ritual saying, “that will be proof for them.” But what would it prove? First, it would demonstrate to the Jewish leaders at the Temple that Jesus had not come to transgress God’s Law but to fulfill it. Also, the cured man himself would be living proof of Jesus’ greatness, for the miracle of a leper being suddenly healed is documented only twice in the Old Testament (i.e., the case of Moses’ sister Miriam and that of Naaman the Syrian). Yet ultimately, this ritual provides proof for all people that Jesus Christ’s saving sacrifice had been long-foreseen by God.

The scarlet yarn, the wood, and the hyssop would each have a role in his Passion. The scarlet yarn foreshadows the robe in which they clothed him. That cedar wood points to the Cross connected to his death. And St. John’s Gospel notes how a sprig of hyssop was employed to lift a sponge of sour wine up to Jesus’ lips. The two birds in that purification ritual were of symbolic importance as well. One bird is slain, while the other is spared. That second bird, after being dipped in the water and the blood of its brother, is set free. That spring water, risen from the earth, points to the liberating water of Christian baptism which receives its power from Jesus’ blood.

In addition to its commandments regarding sometimes contagious skin diseases, the Book of Leviticus has rules for evaluating, quarantining, and purifying fungal infections of houses, fabrics, or leather. These commandments were useful in helping protect peoples’ physical health. But these teachings also illustrate, in an allegorical way, lessons about sin in our lives. Mold in your home can harm the health of your whole household. Knowing this, people take black growths on their walls seriously. How seriously do you take diseases in your flesh? How seriously do you take the sins in your soul?

If you had been a leper back then, would you have come to Jesus? Lent begins this week, so decide what you will you do. Go, show yourself to the priest in Confession and faithfully offer the holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Remember and honor the scarlet yarn, the wood, and hyssop of the Innocent One who took your place and through whom you can be cleansed and freed.

The Lord’s Prayer — Funeral Homily for Jack Wolf, 87

February 9, 2024

By Fr. Victor Feltes

In Jack’s final months, I regularly encountered him in his room at Dove Nursing Home. I always found his wife, Mary, there at his side. Like our Blessed Mother Mary or St. Mary Magdalene at the Cross, she faithfully supported Jack through his Passion. He was grateful to receive Holy Anointing and Last Rites, grateful for the consolation of prayers and blessings, and most especially grateful for the precious gift of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist I brought him. Jack was peaceful, prayerful, and well-prepared to die, ready to commend his spirit to God.

His wife Mary tells me that on Jack’s final Friday before God took him to himself, they were praying the Rosary together. Jack was too weak by then to speak very much, but he would join in the first words of the Rosary’s greatest prayer: “Our Father… Our Father… Our Father.” The “Our Father” is known as “The Lord’s Prayer” because it is how our Lord Jesus Christ taught his disciples how to pray. Jesus’ prayer models what he wishes us to desire and to ask for.

One Friday afternoon outside Jerusalem, while darkness covered the whole land, Jesus hung dying on his Cross. Before breathing his last breath, Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit!” He prays to God his Father, who is now our Father too. Jesus desires that God’s name would be hallowed; that is, known as holy and loved by all.

Though Jesus is both King of the Jews and the King of Kings, he serves and dies to help the reign of God’s Kingdom come. As Jesus sees and suffers the consequences of our sins, he longs that his Father’s will would be done on earth as it is in heaven. Christ offers his Body on the Cross as he did at the Last Supper. He once declared, “the Bread that I will give is my Flesh for the life of the world.” He gives this Bread to his Church daily at every Holy Mass.

Jesus sacrifices himself to forgive us our trespasses hoping and insisting that we would likewise forgive those who trespass against us. Jesus wants us reconciled vertically to God and horizontally to each other, uniting heaven and earth and East and West in the likeness of the Cross. Jesus faces temptation to save us from temptation. He endures this world’s evil deliver us from evil. So you see, the Our Father prayer Jesus urges us to pray, reflects the great blessings the Lord wills for us.

St. Paul proclaims that “we who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death.” And “if we have grown into union with him through a death like his, we shall also be united with him in the resurrection.” It is right that we should offer prayers for Jack’s soul, that he may be perfectly pure to stand before our holy God with all the saints and angels in heaven. Yet we have a great and calm confidence for Jack, that he who was united to Jesus and devoted to our Father will share in Christ’s resurrection to glory. Amen.

Growing In Christ’s Likeness

February 4, 2024

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
By Fr. Victor Feltes

This Sunday’s readings feature Job, Paul, and the mother-in-law of Simon Peter. What do these three people have in common? Let’s consider each in turn.

In our first reading we hear from Job who, like Jesus Christ and Mother Mary, suffers greatly despite his innocence. “I have been assigned months of misery,” he says, and troubled nights have been allotted to me. My days [swiftly] come to an end without hope.” At one point, Job’s wife even tells him to “curse God and die!” Yet, despite his painful, honest questions, Job never disobeys. He never renounces the Lord.

Next we hear the Apostle Paul telling the Corinthians how and why he preaches the gospel. Paul insists that preachers have a right to payment for their work, just like others who do valuable labor. He asks, “What then is my recompense?” What is his repayment or reward? “That, when I preach, I offer the gospel free of charge so as not to make full use of my right in the gospel.” What is Paul saying? How is he repaid by not getting paid? Paul says he makes himself “a slave to all so as to win over as many as possible… All this I do for the sake of the gospel, so that I too may have a share in it.”

Lastly, we hear the story from Mark’s Gospel about Simon Peter’s sick mother-in-law. She lays in bed in Capernaum enduring a severe fever. Having just cast out a demon at the synagogue, when Jesus enters the nearby house of Simon Peter and Andrew along with James and John, they immediately tell him about her condition. Jesus approaches her, grasps her hand, and helps her up. The fever leaves her immediately and she waits on them. It seems she had been eager to serve, only her illness had prevented her. Something which Job, and Paul, and Simon Peter’s mother-in-law have in common (besides all appearing in today’s readings) is sharing a likeness to Jesus.

We see Jesus in our gospel driving out demons and curing the sick. If he had been charging fees for his healings, Jesus might have soon become the richest man in Capernaum. If he had announced that he was the Messiah and called men in the region to take up arms with him, Jesus could have soon been seated upon a Jerusalem throne. Instead, though everyone is looking for him, Jesus withdraws alone to a deserted place to pray. Jesus Christ was not called to be great in worldly wealth and power (in the pattern of Herod, or Pilate, or Caesar) but to be a suffering servant. He had not come to be served but to serve, giving his life as a ransom for many.

This is the path to Christ’s glory, which he calls others to share. So the innocent victim Job undergoes a “dark night” when his physical and spiritual consolations are stripped away. Would he still love God and goodness when no longer tasting their rewards? Through Job’s trials his love is purified to become more like Christ’s in his Passion. And St. Paul, like Jesus, does not labor for earthly riches but takes the form of a slave. He ministers for the love of souls and to share in heaven’s reward which this world cannot equal. And Simon Peter’s mother-in-law is eager to serve as she is able, agreeing with Jesus that it more blessed to give than to receive.

It’s too late in time for your name or mine to be written in the Bible, but if in the end our names appear in heaven’s Book of Life, our Christian lives will have shared some likeness to the life of Jesus Christ.

Obey Christ For Abundant Life

January 28, 2024

4th Sunday of Ordinary Time
By Fr. Victor Feltes

The people of Capernaum witnessed the authority and power of Jesus, “He commands even the unclean spirits and they obey him.” The demons are mere creatures, but Jesus Christ is Lord. Will we heed and obey him? According to Catholic exorcists, a good confession is more powerfully effective than an exorcism. This makes sense. It is difficult to root out demonic influence in a person’s life when the person is siding with the demons in rebellions against God through grave sin. But once that person comes to Confession — repentant, seeking to sin no more — they are rejecting those sins and the demons lose some in-roads.

I once received a request from an unmarried, non-Catholic couple to help them with spiritual disturbances occurring in their home. They were hearing strange noises and voices, seeing and finding inanimate objects moving about, and their dogs were behaving strangely. Unless they were lying to me (and I can see no purpose in them lying) the couple sometimes witnessed phenomena together, which rules out the possibility of these being mere hallucinations. I visited and spoke with them, blessed their house, prayed for them, and blessed them.

When I reached out to them some months later, they said they had been thinking about contacting me again. They said that following the house blessing things had gotten better — quieter, for a time — but then the disturbances resumed and maybe worse than before. So I came back and blessed their house and both of them anew, but I admonished them again, just as I had before, that it was gravely important that they cease fornicating. I told them God’s will for them was either to marry, to live separately, or to live chastely like a brother and sister. Behaving otherwise is to lie with one’s body; simulating a permanent gift of self without vowing that same commitment before God and the world.

That man and woman and I did not know whether spiritual disturbances had occurred in that house before they moved in. However, I can see why the Lord might permit these unsettling signs for the couple’s own good: to deepen their faith in spiritual things, to help them recognize their sin, and to motivate them to change. I believe my first blessings had some effect to reveal to these non-Catholics that such blessings hold power and to validate me as a messenger. Yet these blessings did not make the disturbances go away forever since that would do them little good; making the symptoms disappear without curing the underlying disease. The couple was grateful for my visits, but I do not know what they went on to choose.

Jesus manifests his full authority over demons. “He commands…the unclean spirits and they obey him.” So one might ask, “Why doesn’t Jesus simply constrain all of the demons now, making them completely incapable of doing anything?” I suppose some imagine that without any demons there would be no further evil in the world, but temptations and sins would still remain. As St. James writes in his New Testament letter, “each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire conceives and brings forth sin, and when sin reaches maturity it gives birth to death.” Would our temptations be less if the demons were no more? Quite possibly. So why does Jesus allow them to prowl about the world at all? It must be for our greater good and glory, for “God works all things for the good of those who love him.” Why was Satan allowed to tempt Jesus in the desert if not for Christ’s glory and our greater good? And notice how once Jesus said, “Get away, Satan,” then the devil left him. Jesus Christ offers each of us the grace to do his will, but will we heed and obey him?

Someday, I would like to write a book imagining modern-day America if it suddenly became impossible to commit the vast majority of sins. How would people react to God the Father decreeing that much more of his active will must be done on earth as it is in heaven? My story would describe the initial disruptions for a society in which the markets for immoral things evaporate overnight, and many other goods and jobs (like door locks and security guards) are no longer needed. Then I would tell how much society would benefit from the abolishment of sin. Imagine all of the wealth wasted on sins or on repairing sins’ effects instead being spent more usefully; not to mention the greater peace people would enjoy from never being willfully mistreated anymore. Yet my narrative would also note how much people would complain; for instance, they would insist upon their “rights” to speed or curse or lie, or to misuse their bodies or their money however they desire. They would denounce God for his tyranny, and wail and grind their teeth. For these people, it would be like a hell on earth.

In Deuteronomy, Moses proclaims to the Hebrews, “A prophet like me will the Lord, your God, raise up for you from among your own kin; to him you shall listen.” God declares about that prophet, “[I] will put my words into his mouth… Whoever will not listen to my words which he speaks in my name, I myself will make him answer for it.” Jesus is that promised prophet raised up from his own people, the Incarnate Word of God. “People were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes.

Jesus does not instruct us in order to control us. He does not command us so that he may dominate us. Jesus declares, “A thief comes only to steal and slaughter and destroy; I came so that [you] might have life and have it more abundantly.” In this age, we are free to disobey God like the demons did. But in the age to come, such sins will no longer be permitted. If we die as friends of God, before we can enter heaven our love for sins will need to first be fully purged. God shall not force his enemies into heaven against their will.

Brothers and sisters, Christ is Lord. He is here to help us, not to destroy us. So choose love over sin, end your rebellions, and encounter him in the confessional. Heed his authority, obey his teachings, and embrace the more abundant life Jesus is offering you.

A Protest Against Paradise

We’re Called To Follow Jesus Together

January 20, 2024

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
By Fr. Victor Feltes

Imagine four teenagers growing up in the same small town. They’re seniors in high school and play on the same varsity football team together. What are the odds of all of them going on to play and eventually being inducted into the Hall of Fame? The odds are tiny. Not many players are drafted by the NFL and fewer still get their names enshrined at Canton, Ohio. This scenario would require an incredible concentration of athletic talent emerging in the same place at the same time.

In today’s gospel, as Jesus passes by the Sea of Galilee, he sees two brothers, Simon and Andrew, casting their fishing nets into the sea. When Jesus says, “Come after me and I will make you fishers of men,” they abandon their nets to follow him. Walking along a little farther, Jesus sees James and John, the sons of Zebedee, mending their nets in a boat. Jesus calls them too and they leave to follow him. What were the odds of these four, young, uneducated men, living and laboring together in the same small seaside town, going on to become some of the Church’s greatest saints?

Was this all arranged through divine providence? Had God been gently guiding the course of history to prepare for the day of their calling by Christ? Or, can Jesus do great works with anyone who answers his call? Yes and yes. “God works all things for the good of those who love him,” preparing, and calling, and making them fruitful when they follow him. Look at the Prophet Jonah. Just one day’s preaching in an enormous city accomplished the people of Nineveh’s repentance, delivering them from destruction. Had God been preparing the Ninevites’ minds and hearts for that day, or did God graciously empower Jonah’s words? Yes. God prepares to do great things with us in our free cooperation with him.

There is another interesting reflection found in the calling of Simon, Andrew, James and John. These four fishermen already knew each other. They were coworkers in business together, two pairs of biological brothers, and familiar friends. These future-apostles began as Jesus’ disciples already sharing close relationships with one another. Not all twelve apostles knew each other before they followed Jesus, but they came to know each other very well. And when Jesus would send them out on missions he did not send them out alone, he sent them two by two. Jesus understands that such community and friendship is important for Christians to support each other and grow together.

Consider again the Prophet Jonah. At first, he fled alone from doing God’s will. And then, from the dark depths, he feared to die alone. Reluctantly, he came alone to preach at Nineveh, yet he still refused to forgive and pray and hope for the Ninevites’ salvation. After Jonah’s dreams were dashed (that is, when the Ninevites were not destroyed) he became angry and wished to die alone. Imagine if Jonah had had a Christian friend accompanying and supporting him. Someone to caution him to do God’s will. Someone to comfort him as he faces death. Someone to challenge him to forgive his enemies. Someone to encourage him to see the goodness in his own life and in other people. Jonah could have greatly benefited from having a companion like that.

Jesus knows Christian friendship and fellowship helps us become saints together. So cultivate such community. If you lack it, pray for it and actively pursue it. Reach out to people, have phone or video chats, invite them out to lunch, or have them over for coffee. Find fellowship in “That Man Is You,” or with our Knights of Columbus, or in our parish ladies’ group. Stick around after Masses to chat with people in our vestibule. If you see someone new at church, please make them feel welcome. Christ calls every one of us and plans to make us fruitful as we cooperate with him, but it is unlikely Jesus is asking you to follow him all by yourself. He calls us to follow him together.

His Stations of the Cross — Funeral Homily for Roger “Andy” Anderson, 91

January 14, 2024

By Deacon Dick Kostner

The Trailer of the Story of Human Life: Producer God- Actors- Andy, Jesus and Us. We lost a great member of the Holy Family on the Feast of the Holy Family. He was a quiet person in Spirit but a wonderful mentor for us in teaching us how to live a full life of happiness living out and experiencing the Stations of the Cross, of Life. Andy loved attending Mass with his faith family and loved attending our Stations of the Cross during our Lenten Season. He understood the directive from the Father that the doors to heaven are only unlocked for those who experience in their lives the Passion and Death of Life in our lives. So I thought he would like me to share with you what I saw as his personal Stations of the Cross:

The First Station: He is condemned to Die. We all know that at some point we must experience death of our body. Andy knew this but he never complained to anyone I know that this should stop us from enjoying life with our family, friends and God. He enjoyed every day that he was allowed to care for his family, friends, gardens, and lawn and never willingly failed to give thanks on Saturday Evenings and First Friday Liturgy with his Parish family.

The Second Station: He accepts and carries the Cross. Earthy life requires us to bear our crosses. Andy experienced many crosses in life from divorce to replaced knees, to bladder cancer, to death of friends, and yes family with the death of his wife Carol, and son Michael just prior to his passing. One of the greatest crosses one has to carry in living a long life is having to bury ones friends and family. I remember Father Hugh telling me at his 90th birthday party, when he had just been told he was dying, that one of the hardest things he had to experience in living so long was the fact that he lived so long that he had to be there to comfort and bury all of his dying friends.

The Third Station: The First Fall. As we grow older our bodies begin to fall apart. Andy was not a person who would ask for help. It was not in his nature to expect anyone to come to his aid he would just do the best he could to get along even when things were hurting. Most of us, like Andy, do not want anyone to know we are having problems. That’s why God gifts us with family, friends, and spouse. These special people know better then we do what is best for us. I remember Carol sneaking over to ask if I would mow his lawn for him while he was recuperating from his cancer treatments as she was suffering herself with her rheumatism, this I gladly did without his knowledge.

The Fourth Station: Meeting His Mother. I remember when I would get hurt the first person I would run to for help was my mom. Andy was a person of faith and knowing he was a prayerful person I would guess that the first person he would pray too for help and support when he found out that he was dying was our heavenly mother Mary. I witnessed many times Andy praying the rosary with his parish friends before Mass began. Mom’s don’t want their children to experience pain and suffering even when they are not the cause of the suffering and pain.

The Fifth Station: Simon helps Carry the Cross. Andy did not want to ask for help but friends and neighbors don’t need to be asked. Many times when Andy was not able to complete tasks his friends and neighbors knew that this would bother him. I witnessed his neighbors removing snow, fixing railings and painting things that needed attention, as well as raking and removing leaves when he was unable to do the same. He might not of been blood family to us but he was still thought of as being family.

The Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Stations: He falls two more time, is comforted by “Veronica’s”, Speaks to the Women and his friends, and is Stripped of his Garments. Andy continues to get worse and is cared for by Paul and Michelle at their home. He receives the Sacrament of the Sick by his Pastor, Holy Communion weekly by the Deacons and Deacon wives, and prayed for by his Parish Family. The illness progresses and he is now in need of 24 /7 care requiring him to be moved to the nursing home.

The Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth Stations: The Cross and his Body become one for him, on the Feast of the Holy Family he Dies, and he is taken down from the Cross and Duried. His journey has ended and his Spirit is now able to meet in person Jesus, Mary and Joseph along with Carol, and other saints and friends he spent his life with and who he will spend eternity with.

Andy and Carol were not only our neighbors but our friends. Barb and I were able to witness their marriage on Christmas Eve in 1989. Both of them wished to have that special day as their wedding anniversary day. Last year Barb and I with the assistance of Fr. Chinnappan, had a Mass said for the two of them as our Christmas present to them. The good news is that This Faith Family will be able to continue to experience the Anderson’s presence in spirit as members of God’s Holy Family at every celebration of the Holy Mass at St. Paul’s Catholic Church. So, On behalf of this assembly of Holy Family and friends I would like to wish Andy and Carol a Happy Easter Sunday and Anniversary! We all hope to see you in heaven after we complete our own “Stations of the Cross”!